30 days.

It took me 10 years to write my first book – but only 

30 days to write every book after that. 

What if I told you that you can do it, too?

I’m combining all the lessons I’ve learned, as well as all the insights gained working with my book coaching clients, into one easy-to-navigate nonfiction book writing method. I got here the hard way – so you don’t have to. 

Meet the One Month Manuscript: your fast-track toward life as a nonfiction author.

"The One Month Manuscript method was exactly the jumpstart I needed to get my book started. My thoughts and ideas have been sitting on a shelf for over seven years! By signing up for this writing program, it gave me the permission to make this book a priority and take a little action every day. Lauren provided daily messages and prompts to keep the ball rolling. I set a goal of getting my first draft completed in 30 days and it happened! As a busy working mom, I would have never gotten this far without Burning Soul Collective." 

-Dr. Emily Jacobs, author of Live Your Life for You (Not Your Mom) - Published January 2023

"Lauren and her passion for Burning Soul Collective came my way right when I needed it most. Having abandoned my writing for the bulk of sixteen years, when I decided to get back to it, I had no idea what I was doing. I knew my heart was calling me to do it and then, BOOM, life sends me the fuel I needed to add to my fire. Lauren and the team at Burning Soul Collective have reminded me that I am far more capable than I think I am. We all are! You just need that drive and someone amazing like Lauren cheering you on and guiding you along your journey."

-Jennifer Hobbs, best-selling author of "Calmed."


Imagine that you don’t leave it until Monday. 

Imagine that this is the time when you actually go for it. And imagine fast-forwarding 30 days, watching yourself take a deep breath, pop a bottle of champagne, and say, “I’m so glad I stuck with it."

Best. Feeling. Ever. 

One month could be all it takes for you to go from a blank page to a completed manuscript. 

By using our method, digging deep, learning from a seasoned book coach, and accessing daily guidance to combat the overwhelm, there’s no opportunity quite like this. 

You can turn “one day” into “today.”

So, how does it work?

At Burning Soul Collective, it’s never been about a race against time to finish your book. 

Instead, our method is all about splitting your to-do list into bite-sized chunks, capturing small wins every day. 

By saying ‘no’ to hours spent hunched over a laptop, that “Where do I even start?” feeling, and breaks from work to finally get this next chapter finished, we’re saying “yes” to a better, less daunting approach.

We've got a favor to ask...

We’re asking you to commit to 30-60 minutes per day. That’s it. 

By dedicating less than 5% of your day to writing, you’ll be done-and-dusted within just 30 days. 

In that time, we’ll send you daily writing prompts, spark light-bulb moments, and guide you towards the finish line, with one core goal: to make sure you finish your book—and accomplish your dream. 

We think of ourselves as accountability partners – but a whole lot friendlier.

We do things differently.

The proof is in the pudding. 95% of our clients become best-selling authors. 

It’s not by chance – it’s because we know how to help you write a nonfiction book that does exactly what you want it to: inspire, empower, educate, entertain, or even spearhead movements. 

You know what you want to say. We’ll help you get there. It’s a joint effort.

Who are we? 

I'm Lauren Eckhardt, a best-selling and award winning author, ghostwriter, book coach, host of The Soul Writer podcast, and the CEO of Burning Soul Collective, a company that helps turn life journeys into powerful books. 

We've worked with hundreds of clients over the years, helping them write, publish, and market their books. 

Listen, no two author journeys are the same. Each author has different goals, different values, different books, different audiences, different visions, different dreams. 

At Burning Soul Collective, we believe in honoring YOUR unique path by guiding you on how to achieve exactly what you want in the incredible book journey ahead.

Let’s get personal. Why do you want to become an author?

Is it to tell your 10-year-old-aspiring-writer self that you did it? 

Is it to catapult yourself up the career ladder? 

Is it to tell your life’s story, and leave your legacy? 

Or is it because you’ve got something to say, that you think should be heard?

Whatever it is, let's make it happen. 

Simply put, this challenge brings together everything I wish I knew when starting out. 

30 DAYS OF WRITING TIPS AND LESSONS, giving you the tools you need to write roll-off-the-tongue nonfiction from a structure that flows to weaving in stories that make the biggest impact, and everything in between – the type readers can’t put down. 

30 DAYS OF WRITING PROMPTS, designed to cut through the noise, waving goodbye to that blank-page, where-do-I-go-from-here feeling. 

ADVANCED GUIDANCE, for those with a sense of urgency to have their manuscript ready for editing at the end of the program.

Like saving money?

You’ll love our prices. 

Other programs in the industry cost upwards of $249, but we’re inviting you to join next month’s challenge for just $99!

One Month Manuscript$99

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